
Acrylic Fabrication

White Ellerton offer a 'supply only' service on all forms of Acrylic, cut to size. Polycarbonates, ABS, high impact styrene, nylon and acrylic rods.

From our stocks of clear and coloured acrylic, we can cut to size, bend, CNC profile, cement, drill and polish, to produce a range of products.

  • Acrylic domes, circular and eliptical
  • Vehicle headlights and windscreens
  • Boat screens & covers.
  • Aircraft cockpits fabricated from acrylics

Fabricated to display the whole range of acrylic colours for a well known

Fabricared in thermo Formed acrylic

Bird made from clear acrylic

Made from clear cast acrylic and metallic gold

glauca made from steel and acrylic forming

Trainers display stand thermo formed from acrylic

Guitar center piece made from flourescent acrylic

twisted stand made from frosted opal acrylic

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